Category: Fun & Random

Donut Day

It’s Donut Day!!

So here’s a fun thing.

I used to work for a company that provided breakfast and lunch for the employees (I miss those days).

On Friday they always had Donuts!

This reached the point where everyone knew it was Friday because there were donuts.

I moved on to another company, but my mind still associates Friday=Donuts or Donuts=Fridays.

So now anytime donuts show up in the office, in my mind it’s Friday.

The fact that this year’s Donut Day is on Friday, just makes it perfect!

Donuts anyone?


National Rugby League (NRL) Season Re-Opener


Today the NRL starts their season after being on hiatus due to Covid-19.

Why am I bringing this up?  Because one of the stories that has been running around the house, deals with a coming of an age story, through rugby.  I’m hoping watching the games, along with commentaries and commercials will help jump start the story.

If you live in Australia/New Zealand – what’s your favorite team?

If you live outside Australia/New Zealand, and have no idea what I’m talking about, look up the NRL on youtube.